What is Life-Navigation?
How does this book series nurture readers?

With Life-Navigation, you can focus your life, reduce stress, and increase your well-being.
More natural than a life-coaching plan, this method empowers you to access your intuitive center and create your own life strategies.
With this book series, you can harness your intuition, access your inner purpose, and develop your strengths.
What if you could see the consequences of your future actions today?
Would you change how you behave?
The Awakening of Asa Thor
Starting with an Armageddon-like setting, readers are thrust into a dark reality that is the product of our present reality. Author Agustina approaches the harrowing topic in an almost simple Biblical writing style, with no coercion. She challenges each reader to consider themselves one of two things: a perpetrator, or a victim. But, it’s up to you to decide.
Do you want to find your emotional freedom?
The Power of Slow Living
Take Back What's Been Taken From You
And Be Who You Were Created To Be
(The Life-Navigation series
Book 1)
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”Agustina Thorgilsson’s book that ‘softly’ appeals to us to re-connect with the inner self that resides in the core of our beings.
Prithiraj Ramkisun Dullay
Her book is a revelation that needs to be read by everyone, especially those in leadership.
Insights of Northern Latitudes
Insights from Northern Latitudes With this insightful book, you can gain the inspiration you need to rise about your current circumstances and create a new beginning in your life. Agustina offers you powerful lessons from her northern home and her world travels in this exciting and life-changing book.